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Membership Information

Thinking of joining the Cashmere Club? The Cashmere Club is a great place to meet with friends/ family, join a social group of have a nice meal in our restaurant. 


Our membership to The Cashmere Club is an annual renewal. The Club year is from the 1st April to the 31st of March. Members receive loyalty points when using your card or code with any purchase. These points can be spent on any food and beverage purchase.


All new members welcome! Each member can sign in upto 6 guests to bring down to the Club at anytime - this can be done at the members kiosk at the main bar 



You must sign in your guests at the guest memeber sign-in stations in order for them to become an authorised guest and therefore eligible to be served alcohol. Our friendly bar staff will ask to sight your membership card/app QR when serving alcohol or introducing guests. Please don’t be offended if you are continually asked to produce your membership card/app QR at the bar as it is a condition of the license to sell and supply alcohol. 


Any member of staff or the Board may ask to see your membership card/app QR at any time and, in compliance with the Club rules it must be produced on request. Under a Club License you are responsible for the conduct of your guests and once signed in, your guest should remain within your vicinity whilst at the Club.​


  • For every cent you spend on beverages at the Club receive 10%  worth of points to redeem within 3 months. Points expire after 3 months.

  • You choose if you want a QR code on our app or be presented with a personalised membership card. 

  • Get first look at our exclusive member offers. 

  • Clubs NZ Affiliated Membership, if you play in Clubs NZ tournaments or travel to other clubs this is the membership for you 

  • You can sign in upto 6 guests  to bring down to the Club with you each visit, sign in can be done at the  members kiosk in the mian bar area and your guests will be left with a guest pass for the day 


  • For every cent you spend on beverages at the Club receive 10%  worth of points to redeem within 3 months. Points expire after 3 months.

  • You choose if you want a QR code on our app or be presented with a personalised membership card. 

  • Only valid for 3 Months - 90days

Getting Started

Earn points and get rewarded in a few easy steps


Download the Cashmere Club App

Available on Google Play & Apple App Store

google-play-badge (1).png


Create a Account 

To get started, sign up / renew here


Earn Points, get Rewards

As you earn points, you can redeem them for Rewards—like free drinks, and more.

Terms and Conditions


The Cashmere Club Incorporated is operating in Christchurch, New Zealand.
As a member I undertake to abide by the rules and bylaws of The Cashmere Club Inc, I accept that my application for membership is subject to the registered rules of The Cashmere Club Inc.



The Objectives of the Club shall be;

  • To provide social amenities and amusements and other means of recreation as members may see fit and to promote genial and social contact among the members.

  • To promote or assist in promoting any games or sports which may be legal in New Zealand.

  • To furnish the Club’s property with such furniture, implements, machinery and conveniences as may be thought desirable with a view to the enjoyment of the Club’s Social amenities, amusements and other recreations.

  • To accumulate capital by means of yearly subscriptions or otherwise from members and also from borrowing money from members or other persons on such security and on such terms as may from time to time be arranged.

  • To establish, maintain and conduct a Club (of a non political character) for the accommodation of members of the Club and their friends.

  • To provide a Club house and other conveniences for the use of the Cashmere Club Inc. and to furnish and maintain the same and to permit the same to be used by members of the said club, their visitors, members of other associated Clubs and the Public (who must at all times abide by Club rules), on such terms as shall be agreed on.

  • Manage the affairs of the Club and generally to do whatever may seem best calculated to promote the best interest of the Club, and engage in any other activities that may bring benefits to the members.

  • To apply for, renew and maintain any charter or license within the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012and its amendments which may be granted to the Club in pursuance of its amendments and to exercise any of the rights and powers granted or vested in the Club by virtue of any such Charter or License and from time to time be found necessary to hold such Charter or License.

  • At the direction of a General Meeting subscribe to, become a member of, and co-operate with any other association, whether incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of this Club.

  • To raise money by subscription and to grant rights and privileges to subscribers.

  • To construct, maintain and alter any Club or other buildings or works necessary to or convenient for the purpose of the Club.



You can download a pdf version of our full Rules here. 

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